The scientific publications of this project will be listed on this page as soon as they are available.
Journal Publications
- Leffer, L., & Weber, M. (2022). Technische und strafrechtliche Implikationen des unbemerkten Einsatzes von AirTags. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit-DuD, 46(3), 137-142.
- Salemi, S. & Zoller, C. (2022). Strafrechtliche Folgen eines Mausklicks: Beleidigung mittels „Liken“ und „Teilen“ durch Jugendliche, juris – Die Monatszeitschrift, (11), 428–433.
- Kreuder, A., Frick, U., Rakoczy, K. & Schlittmeier, S. J. (2024). Digital competence in adolescents and young adults: a critical analysis of concomitant variables, methodologies and intervention strategies, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11,
Conference Contributions
Contributions to conference proceedings
- Klütsch, J., Böffel, C., von Salm-Hoogstraeten, S., & Schlittmeier, S. J. (2023). Defeating Dark Patterns: The impact of supporting information on dark patterns and cookie privacy decisions. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Technikpsychologie (pp. 41-54).
- Kreuder, A., Haehn, L., Klütsch, J., Schlittmeier, S. J., & Frick, U. (2023). ” Cookies? I don’t even know what that is.”-Online focus groups on adolescents’ experience and behavior in the digital space. In Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2023 (pp. 498-502).
- Kreuder, A., Frick, V., Schlittmeier, S. J., & Frick, U. (2023). Game jamming as a participatory design approach to foster adolescents’ digital competence. In Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2023 (pp. 472-476).
Research Talks
- Abraham, L., Klütsch, J., Mooser, J., Tawanger, P., Tenbrock, M., Thüs, D., von Salm-Hoogstraeten, S., Schlittmeier, S. J. (2021, 23. September). Are you willing to share your personal data in a video work meeting? Privacy behavior in the light of trust and context [Research Talk]. 12. Congress for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors, Chemnitz, Germany.
- Kreuder, A. (2022). Fokusgruppen [Research Talk Doctoral Seminar Hans-Böckler-Foundation]. Privacy 2.0 – Perspectives on privacy in the digital age, Dresden, Germany.
- Klütsch, J. & Schlittmeier, S. J. (2022). Privacy-By-Me: Wirksamkeit des Privacy-By-Design Ansatzes unter Anbetracht kontextueller und personenbezogener Einflussfaktoren junger Erwachsener [Research Talk Doctoral Seminar]. Mensch und Computer 2022, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Klütsch, J., Kreuder, A., Böffel, C., Frick, U., & Schlittmeier, S. J. (2022, 13. September). “Alle meine Freunde nutzen diese App” – Wie Privatsphäre-Entscheidungen Adoleszenter durch soziale und entwicklungspsychologische Wirkfaktoren beeinflusst werden [Forschungsreferat]. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.
- Kreuder, A., Frick, U., von Salm-Hoogstraeten, S., Tallon, M., Winter, M., Schlittmeier, S. J. (2022, 13. September). „Digital Natives“ und ihr Kompetenzprofil: von Tech-Nerds, Influencer*innen und Gamer*innen [Research Talk]. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.
- Klütsch, J., Haehn, L., Kreuder, A., Böffel, C., Frick, U. & Schlittmeier, S.J. (2023, 14. September). Will You Be Phished? How Relationships and Developmental Goals Influence Adolescents’ Susceptibility for Instagram Phishing [Research Talk]. 13. Congress for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors, Kassel, Germany.
- Kreuder, A., Klütsch, J., Haehn, L., Böffel, C., Schlittmeier, S.J., & Frick, U. (2023, 14. September). Risk and Responsibility: Exploring the Influence of Social Norms and Specific Life Situations on Young Adults’ Risk-Taking in Illegal Downloads [Research Talk]. 13. Congress for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors, Kassel, Germany.
- Klütsch, J., von Salm-Hoogstraeten, S., & Schlittmeier, S. J. (2021, 22. September). Bypassing “privacy by default”? Comparing the impact of HTTP cookie banner designs on users’ privacy decisions [Conference Poster]. 12. Congress for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors, Chemnitz, Germany.