
Requirements-Workshop Micro Games/ Serious Game

Under the lead of Serious Games Solutions, the first interdisciplinary workshop of the consortium partners dealt with the requirements for the development of micro games. In addition to an insight into the art of game development, ideas were discussed as to which micro games could be implemented within the project.


1st Status Meeting

The first status meeting of the project A-DigiKomp took place the day after the kick-off. Since all consortium partners have already started working on the project, the coordination of the work in the first project year could already be discussed intensively and constructively advanced. As a result, in-depth, topic-related workshops of the consortium partners were planned for the coming weeks.


Kick-off of the Joint Project A-DigiKomp

The official kick-off meeting in the A-DigiKomp project has taken place. Due to the corona pandemic, it was held as an online event with Dr. Katja Karrer-Gauß from the project management agency VDI/VDE-IT. All consortium partners, together with the respective project managers and employees, spent one day getting to know each other and laying the foundation for a successful cooperation!


Kick-off Event for the BMBF Funding Measure “Human-Technology Interaction for Digital Sovereignty”

The project A-DigiKomp is part of the network “Digital Sovereignty”, which consists of a total of 10 BMBF-funded joint projects. In accordance with the BMBF funding line “Human-Technology Interaction for Digital Sovereignty”, these projects aim to develop new forms of interaction between humans and technology that help users to further develop their data awareness and understanding and make competent decisions in the digital space. The kick-off event of the network “Digital Sovereignty” took place on June 2, 2020, during which Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Sabine Schlittmeier (RWTH Aachen University) as the consortium leader presented the project A-DigiKomp. All consortium partners of A-DigiKomp took part in the kick-off event and were able to establish first contacts to the other joint projects in workshops.


News! The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Announces the Funding of the Joint Project A-DigiKomp

At the end of May, the consortium partners received the notification of funding for the joint project A-DigiKomp: Adaptively promoting digital competence and sovereignty of adolescents through micro games. The project will be funded with a total of 1.5 million Euro over a period of 3 years. The total volume of the project amounts to 1.75 million Euro (i.e. 82% funding share by the BMBF).