On March 11, 2022, the HSD presented their work and results on the competency model to the other partners. A lively round of questions and discussions developed. In particular, it was jointly discussed how the results and the developed diagnostic tool can be implemented in the browser plugin and the serious game.
Category: Aktuelles
A-DigiKomp status meeting Nr. 4
A new year, a new status meeting! On 20.01.2022 the fourth status meeting of A-DigiKomp took place. Due to the current Corona situation, the meeting was held online again. All consortium partners gave a review of their work of the past half year and an outlook on upcoming projects. Possibilities of cooperation and publications were discussed and a fifth status meeting (offline) was envisaged with great optimism.
Christmas Vignettes Workshop
Shortly before Christmas, another workshop took place. HSD and RWTH met to elaborate the vignette-based survey studies. Together, we discussed, among other topics, the social and developmental psychological factors influencing digital sovereignty. We are looking forward to the new year and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
The second networking meeting of the BMBF funding measure for 2021 took place on Nov. 30, 2021. The project partners of the A-DigiKomp project gathered valuable impressions about topics on digital sovereignty, among others, to ensure empowered access to future health innovations. In addition, the representatives of RWTH Aachen University participated in the workshop “Envisioning Privacy” from Freie Universität Berlin, where the design of new technologies through value-based design was discussed.
In order to achieve the greatest possible data protection for the future users of our game and browser plugin, we defined together the data protection framework for these two technologies in a workshop today. Among other things, we dealt with the question of how the protective measures required by the GDPR can be met and which data are fundamentally needed for the realizations. This first step towards a privacy-compliant implementation is intended to contribute to supporting the digital sovereignty of adolescents in the best possible way when using our project results through privacy by design.
On Sep. 29 and Okt. 22, 2021, the A-DigiKomp consortium met to discuss the competency model on digital attitudes and skills of adolescents and to plan the evaluation of the serious games.
On June 29, 2021, the 3rd status meeting of A-DigiKomp took place online. All consortium partners gave a review of their work in the past half year and an outlook on upcoming projects. In addition to constructive exchanges, further networking meetings were planned for the coming months.
On June 15, 2021, the networking meeting of the BMBF funding measure “Human-Technology Interaction for Digital Sovereignty” took place. Sophia von Salm gave a lightning talk on the challenges for adolescents on the net and the solution approach of A-DigiKomp. Then she participated in the plenary discussion on game-based learning approaches.
On the occasion of the networking meeting, Annika Kreuder, Ulrich Frick (both Döpfer University of Applied Sciences) and Sophia von Salm (RWTH Aachen University) hosted a workshop on the topic “What is digital competence: A lab report from the fusion reactor A-DigiKomp”. Here, the participants had a lively discussion about different approaches and possible psychometric foundations of digital competence and exchanged ideas about the importance of digital competencies for digitally sovereign action.